Pale Lager/Export

Regions of popularity: Principally Bavaria, Baden-Wuerttemberg and the Ruhr Valley region.

Beer type: Voll- oder Schankbier

Original extract: Zwischen 10 und 14%; Export üblicherweise bei 12%

Alcohol content: zwischen 4,6 und 5,6% vol.

Fermentation type: Untergärig

Characteristics: Malzaromatische hell-goldgelbe blanke Biere, kräftig und ein wenig süß.

Brewing process: Gärung mit untergäriger Hefe, Export manchmal stärker gehopft als Lager hell.

History: The name Export represents what the beer variety was made for. It was traditionally brewed stronger for long shipping routes to distant countries

Serving conventions: Lagers and Helles are typically served in tumblers, Export is often served in a mugs with handles; optimal serving temperature appr. 8 degrees Celsius.

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