Brauerei „Pinkus“ Müller GmbH & Co. KG

Contact person / Export division
Export Division
Phone: +49(0)251 / 45151
Fax: +49(0)0251 / 57136
Products and brands
- Pinkus Alt
- Pinkus Pils, auch alkoholfrei
- Pinkus Special
- Pinkus Hefe Weizen, auch alkoholfrei
- Pinkus Jubilate
- Pinkus Classic
- Pinkus Radler
- Müller’s Lagerbier
- Müllers Malz alkoholfrei
- Pinkus Honig Malz
Detailed product descriptions are available here (PDF).
Export information
For export information please contact our sales staff.
Company profile
Proven quality endures.
Pinkus – the name stands for brewing craftsmanship and a five-generation family tradition dating back to 1816. The old recipes were passed on from generation to generation, while new ones were added, the brewery enlarged and expanded.
For Pinkus, beer quality comes first. Select ingredients, careful handling and plenty of time to mature – that's what makes Pinkus beers unique within the beer universe. The Mueller product range is now sold from Amsterdam to Sydney and from San Francisco to Paris.