Address and directions

All data at a glance

Verband der Ausfuhrbrauereien Nord-,
West- und Südwestdeutschlands e.V.
Sonninstraße 28
20097 Hamburg

Tel.: +49 40 - 236016 - 16

How to find us

Coming by car, from any direction, you can reach us via the A1/A255 motorways in the direction of Hamburg Zentrum (centre). After leaving the motorway in the direction of the city centre you find yourself on Amsinckstrasse. After around 300 m turn right off Amsinckstrasse into Sonninstrasse.

You will see the headquarters of the Wirtschaftsvereinigung Gross- und Aussenhandel (Association of Wholesale, Import and Export Trade – WGA) on the left-hand side.